Friday, September 25, 2015

Dalai Lama cancels Philadelphia trip per doctor's orders

The religious leader was scheduled to receive the Liberty Medal in Philadelphia next month but has cancelled all appearances in October due to health issues.

PHILADELPHIA -- One out of two isn't so bad, Philadelphia.

The city, currently prepping for the Saturday arrival of Pope Francis, will be scrapping plans to host the Dalai Lama next month after it was announced Friday the religious leader is canceling all U.S. events in October.

MORE: Before Pope Francis' arrival, it's calm before the storm in Philly

Dalai LamaThe Dalai Lama during a recent visit to Germany.

According to a post on the Dalai Lama's website, the 80-year-old Buddhist monk was told to rest for the next few weeks following a medical visit in the U.S.

He had been scheduled to appear at multiple events in Philadelphia, including an "Eight Versus for Training the Mind," teaching session at La Salle University on Oct. 26 and a "Finding Happiness in Troubled Times" public forum on Oct. 27. The Dalai Lama also planned to accept the Liberty Medal at the Constitution Center on Oct. 26.

"We deeply regret the inconvenience caused by this decision and apologize to all the people who have worked so hard in organizing the visit as well as to the public. We thank you for your support and understanding," a statement on the website read.

After the Dalai Lama's visit was announced, Mayor Michael Nutter said in a statement that the city was "fortunate to host two of the world's most inspirational leaders in such a short time,"

Michelle Caffrey may be reached at Follow her on Twitter @ShellyCaffrey. Find the South Jersey Times on Facebook.

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